Hands on Kyusho Jitsu

Hands on Kyusho Jitsu

Hands on Kyusho Jitsu: Pressure Point Manipulation with devastating results.

Most people who practice Kyusho Jitsu—the science of pressure points—approach it with a singular focus on striking. And while striking certainly has its place, there’s an entire side of Kyusho Jitsu that remains unexplored for many: the art of pressure point manipulation using only the hands. By limiting yourself to strikes, you’re missing half of the potential this art has to offer.

Consider, for a moment, the iconic “Vulcan nerve pinch” performed by Mr. Spock in Star Trek. This technique, which Spock uses to render his opponent unconscious by applying pressure to a specific point at the base of the neck, is a classic example of hands-on pressure point manipulation. First introduced in the episode The Enemy Within, the nerve pinch became a signature move for Spock, used more than 60 times throughout the series. While many think this technique is purely fictional, one might ask: is it really impossible? 

The answer is far more complex than most people realize, and it speaks to the deeper truths hidden within the study of Kyusho Jitsu.

Hands on Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Jitsu, like its ancient predecessor acupuncture, is deeply rooted in a hands-on understanding of the human body’s energy pathways. But when people think of physical conflict, they typically imagine a fistfight, with punches and kicks as the primary tools of engagement. This mindset blinds them to an entirely different and highly effective method of handling confrontations—one that doesn't rely on brute force, but on precise, calculated pressure point manipulation. In Hands on Kyusho Jitsu, I will offer you a new perspective on how to harness the full potential of this martial art.

In my many years of teaching within the Dojo, I have touched upon these principles of hands-on Kyusho Jitsu, but never before have I delved so deeply into this particular topic. While I’ve mentioned it briefly in various teachings, this book represents the first time I’ve fully explored the intricacies of pressure point manipulation as a complete practice.

The human body is filled with pressure points that, when manipulated correctly, can result in:

  • Unconsciousness
  • Convulsions
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Even death

And all of this can be achieved without causing the visible damage typically associated with strikes. This level of control has the added benefit of subtlety—allowing you to incapacitate or control an aggressor without drawing attention from bystanders or security cameras.

In Hands on Kyusho Jitsu: Pressure Point Manipulation, I will guide you through this often overlooked but highly potent aspect of Kyusho Jitsu. You’ll learn how to harness the power of touch to manipulate pressure points, giving you a tactical advantage in any self-defense situation, and opening your eyes to the true depth and breadth of this fascinating martial art.

This all new eBook, Hands on Kyusho Jitsu is scheduled to release on November 15th 2024. As usual here at the Kyusho eBook Website, you can preorder and save. At release, Hands on Kyusho Jitsu will sell for $49.97, but you can preorder now for November 15th or sooner release for ONLY $29.97!

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