No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution

No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution

No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict

In a world increasingly plagued by mental illness, violent confrontations have become an unfortunate reality. This epidemic isn’t limited to a small segment of society; it permeates every aspect of our lives, often manifesting in unexpected ways.

No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution is a groundbreaking eBook that addresses the rising potential for violence in today’s society. While the effects of mental illness are visible on social media platforms like Facebook—where strangers engage in aggressive debates over topics they haven’t fully researched—this book focuses on real-world situations where conflict resolution is essential.

The media has conditioned many to react impulsively, driven by fear and misinformation, leading to a society where the Triple Warmer meridian—associated with the body's fight or flight response—dominates behavior. But what if there was a way to disarm aggression without physical contact?

What if you could neutralize a potential threat by understanding the pressure points of conflict resolution, mental pressure points?

This eBook is not about social media, where disengagement is often the best solution. Instead, it equips you with the knowledge and strategies to avoid and de-escalate confrontations in the real world.

Why This Book Matters

In an encounter with a seriously disturbed individual, like the one I had when a mentally unwell martial artist attempted to defame me on Facebook, the best course of action was to not engage. His delusions were not my burden to bear, and your well-being is far more important than winning an argument. No Body Contact teaches you how to protect your peace by understanding the dynamics of conflict and how to resolve it without physical altercation.

A World Without Conflict Starts with You

Imagine a world where you can navigate conflicts calmly and effectively, preserving your integrity and mental peace. This eBook provides you with the tools to make this a reality. Whether you’re a martial artist, a professional, or simply someone looking to strengthen your conflict resolution skills, this book offers invaluable insights into maintaining harmony in an increasingly chaotic world.

No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution

In No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution, I focus on addressing real-world scenarios, from low-level confrontations to life-threatening situations. With extensive experience in navigating these conflicts—and everything in between—I bring a practical approach to managing and resolving disputes.

So, why do I call this book No Body Contact: Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution? Because pressure points are not just physical locations on the body—they are also strategic leverage points that you can use to deescalate dangerous situations. Whether the conflict arises at home, at work, or on the streets, understanding these pressure points can mean the difference between escalation and peaceful resolution.

This is truly a book for our times. The streets have never been more dangerous in modern history, and violence often only leads to more violence. That’s why it’s crucial to resolve conflicts peacefully whenever possible. This eBook offers you the tools and insights to do just that.

Cognitive Dissonance

In modern times, one of the things that can lead to conflict is when someone has Cognitive dissonance. This happens when a person holds 2 opposing beliefs at the same time. The media feeds this by constantly telling people to forget what they see, hear or think and believe only what the experts are telling them. When these new beliefs are challenged, conflict can occur. And since they have been programmed to act upon their emotions' violence can erupt.

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful psychological phenomenon that affects how we think, feel, and behave. By understanding it, individuals can better navigate conflicts between their beliefs and actions, leading to more consistent and harmonious decision-making. I will address this and many other causes of conflict in this eBook.

This will be done by discussion of the Pressure Points of Conflict Resolution and the relation to how Triple Warmer controls emotions. I know you will love this. 

This all new, critical eBook for the times is now online. 

In English, Spanish, and Romanian

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