101 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu

101 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu

101 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu, the science of pressure point self-defense.  An all new eBook with 101 methods, tips, and ideas to help you to Master the science of pressure point self-defense we call Kyusho Jitsu.

My name is Art Mason, and I am a life long, 40 plus year veteran martial arts student, teacher, and master of 3 different martial art systems or styles. And these are real legitimate ranks based on training and not honorary ranks.

I have run schools for 30 years with memberships of 300 plus. Traveled to teach seminars and founded the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance.  And have authored several books and video courses.

There is a path to success in learning and training. And I can think of at least 100 different things that need to be done to be truly successful in mastering Kyusho Jitsu.

In this, no hold barred eBook and will explain it all! Nothing will be missing and nothing held back! This is all based on something that is very uncommon today, so little known and misunderstood by the masses, it is almost secret. That is COMMON SENSE

Being this is a common-sense look at learning and mastering Kyusho Jitsu the information can be applied easily to all walks of life. 

101 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu

So why is this book necessary? To be very honest, what I see in today's world, the tremendous LACK of understanding of how things work, screams for this kind of book. The school systems are not teaching our children and young adults about success. In fact, they say it is not their job! So they are only feeding them a narrative that fulfills the political agenda “de jour.” And the proof is all around you

This eBook will change all that! Therefore, this is a must-have for anyone wishing to understand how to Master Kyusho Jitsu.

English and Spanish Editions.

FREE 90 Minute Bonus Interview On Mastery!
ONLY $29.97!

101 Way to Master Kyusho Jitsu along with my Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z are all you need to get a profound understanding of the pressure point science we call Kyusho Jitsu. And in my opinion, there is nothing more important than self education. Have you seen what is going on in the indoctrination camps of the Western Culture

Martial Arts is for everyone. And it does not matter where you begin, only that you begin. 

Learning is for a lifetime.

How often have you heard someone say that they are “too old for” something? There is no truth to this, as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the 101 Way to Master Kyusho Jitsu. Age is a state of mind. The concepts and principles found in Kyusho Jitsu make the study timeless.

Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms.  They also talk that pressure points do not work on the street. That is because they have not pursued the right information. And 101 Way to Master Kyusho Jitsu is the correct information!

And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing eBook and are not happy within the first 30 days, I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love my 101 Way to Master Kyusho Jitsu eBook! Do you prefer
 Video Courses on Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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