The Power of Kyusho 5 Element Theory

* Kyusho 5 Element Theory

Kyusho 5 Element Theory: One morning I was sitting at my computer finishing the work on the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu Online Edition. And I have learned so much working on that project. Because the encyclopedia is designed based on how the human mind works. And that led me to some revelations. This time on the Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory.

Most Kyusho Jitsu teachers have abandoned this theory. Personally, I think it is foolish to do so. And I have seen the results too! Poor quality students.

When I began my Kyusho Jitsu path, Grand Master Steve Stewart told us that the Cycle of Destruction was the foundation of all of Kyusho Jitsu. And this is VERY true. However, when I pictured this, I saw a basement built with concrete blocks.

But I did not understand how DEEP that foundation is. And that it is so much more than just the Cycle of Destruction. The Cycle of Destruction, while critical, is only PART of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory!

And NOW I truly understand this! 

I have connected the dots and see a very different picture. And foolishly, I am going to share this knowledge via an eBook! The reason for an eBook are many, however I believe this is best taught in writing and not video. I do touch on this in my video course Applying the Principles of Kyusho. But not in any real depth like I will now. 

Kyusho 5 Element Theory: What is this about?

Let me break down where I am going with this.

  • History of the 5 Element Theories
  • Why 5 Elements and not 4?
  • Destructive and Healing Aspects
  • Relation to Body Typing
  • Why are there 4 Fire Meridians?
  • What are Underlying Indicator Points, and how do they link to this theory?
  • How are the 24-Hour Cycle and Yin / Yang really 5 element theory?
  • Basing all Kyusho on the 5 Element Theory
  • Sound & Colour and their ties to healing and destruction.
  • And much more.

This is NOT a lesson in the 15 principles of Kyusho, this is something entirely unique.

And in my learning over the last 6 to 9 months, I have had quantum leaps in understanding. The Power of Kyusho 5 Element Theory is one example. After I finished Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian, I was not going to write any more eBooks, but this information is just too critical. I have also fully realized that OLD Knowledge is the BEST knowledge!

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Kyusho 5 Element Theory along with my Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z are all you need to get a profound understanding of the pressure point science we call Kyusho Jitsu. And in my opinion, there is nothing more important than self education. Have you seen what is going on in the indoctrination camps of the Western Culture

Martial Arts is for everyone. And it does not matter where you begin, only that you begin. 

Learning is for a lifetime.

How often have you heard someone say that they are “too old for” something? There is no truth to this, as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the study of Kyusho 5 Element Theory. Age is a state of mind. The concepts and principles found in Kyusho Jitsu make the study timeless.

Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms.  They also talk that pressure points do not work on the street. That is because they have not pursued the right information. And Kyusho 5 Element Theory is the appropriate information!

And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing eBook and are not happy within the first 30 days, I will refund you. Just submit a Support Ticket. But I know you will love my Kyusho 5 Element Theory eBook! Do you prefer Video Courses on Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

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